Queen City Arrangements
Glitter Rose Bouquet
Glitter Rose Bouquet
Soap Flower Bouquet: A Unique and Lasting Gift
At Queen City Arrangements we use high-quality soap flowers and soft scents like real flowers to give you a feeling of closeness. The flowers are designed and hand-made by our florist
Soap roses
Soap flower bouquets are a unique and beautiful gift that can be enjoyed for years to come, they have the added benefit of being able to be used in the shower or bath.
Soap rose bouquet
Soap flower bouquets are a great gift for any occasion, but they are trendy for proposing, birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Day, and Valentine's Day... They are also a popular choice for home décor, as they can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room.
✍️Material: High-quality soap flowers, dried baby's breath and artificial leaves
🖤With good flower care and keeping in a dry place, no water(Flowers will dissolve in water), the bouquet will remain beautiful for several years