Queen City Arrangements
Brilliant Rose Bouquet
Brilliant Rose Bouquet
We use high-quality soap flowers and soft scents like real flowers to give you a feeling of closeness. The flowers are designed and hand-made by our florist.
Flowers bouquets are made of red soap rose flowers and real baby's breath, artificial leaves, pom pom bush.
❤️ It is the perfect gift for Mother’s Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day, Anniversary gifts...You can give it to your girlfriend, family, friend, colleague, or classmate. Just show your love!
SIZE: 14 In (35.5cm) × 8 In (20cm) × 14 In (35.5cm)
✍️Material: High-quality soap flowers, dried baby's breath and artificial leaves
🖤With good flower care and keeping in a dry place, no water(Flowers will dissolve in water), the bouquet will remain beautiful for several years