Queen City Arrangements
A Single Rose Bouquet
A Single Rose Bouquet
🌹A single soap rose, an elegant and fragrant work of art, is the perfect gift to convey your feelings. Delicately handcrafted, it combines the timeless beauty of a rose with the functionality of soap.
✍️As you present this exquisite soap rose, you're not just giving a gift, you're offering a token of affection and appreciation, a reminder of your thoughtfulness that will linger in the recipient's memory long after the rose has been used.
✍️A soap rose is a heartfelt and practical way to show someone you care.
🎁 Versatile Gifts: It is the perfect gift for Wedding, corporate events, Thanksgiving Day, Mother’s Day, Birthday, Graduation, Valentine's Day, and Anniversary gifts...You can give it to your girlfriend, family, friend, colleague, or classmate. Just show your love!
✍️The flowers are designed and hand-made by our florist
✍️Size Box: 5.5" × 3.5" × 15 Inches
✍️Material: High-quality soap flowers, natural baby's breath, dried grass, artificial leaves.