Queen City Arrangements
9 Purple And White Rose Bouquet
9 Purple And White Rose Bouquet
Lovely Rose Bouquet
A bouquet of nine purple and white roses combines the elegance of white roses with the enchantment of purple roses, creating a stunning and meaningful arrangement.
Purple roses are often associated with enchantment and love at first sight, making them a perfect choice for expressing fascination or adoration.
Together, these roses create a bouquet that symbolizes the beauty of new beginnings, the enchantment of a budding romance, or the purity of a long-lasting love. Whether you're celebrating a new chapter in life or expressing your love and admiration, a bouquet of nine purple and white roses is a heartfelt and elegant choice.
🌹We use high-quality soap flowers and soft scents like real flowers to give you a feeling of closeness. The flowers are designed and hand-made by hand.
🌹It is the perfect gift for any occasion to show your love!
✍️Material: High-quality soap flowers, dried baby's breath and artificial leaves
🖤With good flower care and keeping in a dry place, no water(Flowers will dissolve in water), the bouquet will remain beautiful for several years